Monday, February 13, 2012

Cinquains for comprehension

Proposed Agenda–
  1. Debrief the STC experience
  2. Brief discussion of Fisher and Frey via blog postings 
  3. Activity: Writing-to-learn (revisited)

Metacognitive and Design-thinking Questions–
  1. What was this entire process like for you as a learner? What did you learn about yourself?
  2. What teaching opportunity can you identify in this activity as a specific skill to hone in on?
Upcoming dates–
This Tuesday by midnight you need to respond to at least one of your peers' blogs (on their blog in the comments section)
Wednesday, Feb 22 we'll go to Hawkins to meet with our Service-Learning partners
Wed, Feb 27 is the deadline to sign-up for the SL project or the Blogfolio